I am so pleased to begin my administrative career with Harrisburg Elementary School! Last year I completed my graduate internship as a Principal Fellow at Northwest Cabarrus Middle School. Prior to NCMS, I was a classroom teacher for thirteen years at Weddington Hills IB Elementary School, and taught Kindergarten, First, Fifth, and Fourth grade! My wish for this school year is to support teachers, students, and our family members by adding to the caring culture that the Burg is known for. Striving for a well-balanced educational experience, with academic excellence and positive social interactions, will help to prepare our learners for success in the future. I am here to serve every student at Harrisburg Elementary School, and by working together in the coming years we can achieve greatness!
Phone: 704-260-6205
Email: Catherine.Morrill@Cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. from Michigan State University
M.S. from St. Cloud State University
Teaching license, K-6 from UNC-Charlotte.